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Existent Gum Bath

Existent Gum Bath

Existent Gum Bath

Gum formed during fuel storage can deposit on induction system surfaces, intake valves, stems and guides. To test for gum content, a 50mL sample is evaporated in an aluminum block bath for a specified period under controlled conditions of temperature and flow of air (aviation and motor gasolines) or steam (aircraft turbine fuel).

  • Conforming to ASTM D381 and related specifications

  • Choice of three-unit and six-unit model

  • Available with built-in steam superheater

  • Microprocessor programmable high accuracy temperature control

  • Built-in pressure regulators and air flowmeters

Existent Gum Bath w/SuperHeater

Existent Gum Bath w/SuperHeater

Evaporates aircraft turbine fuel and motor and aviation gasoline samples under controlled conditions in accordance with ASTM specifications. Consists of a high temperature evaporation bath with 100mL test beakers and, for aircraft turbine fuels, a steam generator and steam superheater.

  • Conforming to ASTM D381 and related specifications

  • Choice of three-unit and six-unit models

  • Safety top assembly allows for easy positioning and connection of all conical adapters to the bath

  • Digital flowmeter for accurate and precise air flow measurement

  • Built-in steam superheater

  • Microprocessor programmable high accuracy temperature control

  • Built-in pressure regulator

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